Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Time Management Tools and Techniques

1. Use a time planner. - Enable you to plan and organize your life.  Enable you to plan for the year, the month, the week, and for each day. Contains a master list, capture every task, goal, and required action as it comes up. Allocate task to various months, weeks, and days. Contains a calendar to which you transfer items from your master list. Contains a daily list which is the single most important planning tool you can have.

2. Always work from a list.  - Feeling overwhelmed?  Write down every single thing you have to do for the foreseeable future.

3. Organize your list by priority. - Organize the list items relative to its value in comparison to other things you have to do. 

4. Use any time management system you like. - Use it regularly until it becomes a habit, take time to learn and master it until it becomes a habit like breathing in and out.

5. Set up a 45-file system. - This is a tickler file that lets you plan and schedule for the next twenty-four months. Get a box of 45 files with 14 hanging files. Divide the forty-five files into thirty-one files numbered one through thirty-one for the days of the month.  There are twelve files for the months of the year, January through December. The last two files are for the next two years.

When you have an appointment or responsibility for six months from now, you simply drop it into that monthy file.  At the beginning of each month, you take out all your responsibilities for that month and sort them into your daily files, numbered one through thirty-one. Each day, you take out the file for that day and that becomes the starting point for your daily planning.

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