Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Time Management Tools and Techniques

1. Use a time planner. - Enable you to plan and organize your life.  Enable you to plan for the year, the month, the week, and for each day. Contains a master list, capture every task, goal, and required action as it comes up. Allocate task to various months, weeks, and days. Contains a calendar to which you transfer items from your master list. Contains a daily list which is the single most important planning tool you can have.

2. Always work from a list.  - Feeling overwhelmed?  Write down every single thing you have to do for the foreseeable future.

3. Organize your list by priority. - Organize the list items relative to its value in comparison to other things you have to do. 

4. Use any time management system you like. - Use it regularly until it becomes a habit, take time to learn and master it until it becomes a habit like breathing in and out.

5. Set up a 45-file system. - This is a tickler file that lets you plan and schedule for the next twenty-four months. Get a box of 45 files with 14 hanging files. Divide the forty-five files into thirty-one files numbered one through thirty-one for the days of the month.  There are twelve files for the months of the year, January through December. The last two files are for the next two years.

When you have an appointment or responsibility for six months from now, you simply drop it into that monthy file.  At the beginning of each month, you take out all your responsibilities for that month and sort them into your daily files, numbered one through thirty-one. Each day, you take out the file for that day and that becomes the starting point for your daily planning.

Seven Tools for Personal Organization - Time Power - Brian Taylor

1.  Prepare the night before. - Prepare your work list for the following day the evening or night before.  This exercise lets you sleep more soundly, clears your mind from having to remember what you are going to do the next day.

2. Schedule your time. - The very act of planning and organizing your day, week, and month gives you a greater feeling of control and well being. Increases self-esteem and improves sense of personal power.

3. Get an early start on the day. - The more time you take to sit, think, and plan, the better organized you will be in every area of your life. A few minutes of quiet reflection before you begin any undertaking can save you many hours executing the task.

4. Use an organized filing system. - The best and simplest of all filing systems is an alphabetical system. You should have a master list that gives you the title of each file and tells you where the file is located.  A Rolodex is a fine tool for this purpose, available at stationery stores.

5.  Do important work during prime time. - Do your creative work during your prime time when you are most alert and productive.

6. Use a dictating machine or tape recorder for correspondence and notes. - First write an outline of what you are going to dictate.  Jot down major headings and subheadings before you begin. Think through the sentence structure in your mind before you begin dictating onto tape.  Don't be afraid to go back, erase, and do it over again using a better choice of words. Second, don't try to be a perfectionist.  Third, concentrate on getting your thoughts dictated as quickly as possible, and then go back and clean it up before you finalize it. In no time at all, you will be dictating perfectly correct letters and reports that need no correction or editing at all.

7.  Make air travel productive. - If you plan ahead and organize your work before you leave for the airport, you can accomplish an enormous amount while you are in the air.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Time Power - Twelve Proven Principles for Peak Perfomance - Brian Taylor

Principle 1. Time management enables you to increase the value of your contribution. - Good self esteem comes from the knowledge that you are putting more into your life and work than you are taking out, that you are contributing more to your work than you are taking out.

Principle 2. Your rewards, both tangible and intangible, will always be equal to the value of your services to other people. - The more you put in, the more you get out. Through the Law of Sowing and Reaping, time management allows you to sow more and better, and therefore to reap more and better in every area of your life.

Principle 3. Good time management requires you see yourself as a factory. - Inputs, activities, outputs. Top performers focus on outputs, average performers focus on inputs, medium or low performers focus on activities.

Principle 4. Everything you accomplish, or fail to accomplish, depends on your ability to use your time to its best advantage.

Principle 5. Time is the scarcest resource of accomplishmnet.

Principle 6. The practice of time management skills allows you to develop judgment, foresight, self-reliance, and self-discipline.

Principle 7. A focus on time management forces you to be intensely results-oriented.

Principle 8. Time management enables you to work smarter, not just harder.

Principle 9. Good time management is a source of energy, enthusiasm, and a positive mental attitude. - As you see yourself accomplishing large quantities or work, you actually experience a continuous inflow of additional energy that enables you to accomplish even more.

Principle 10. You grow as a person in direct proportion to the demands that you place on yourself. - The self-discipline of time management builds character, confidence, and an unshakable belief in yourself and your abilities.

Principle 11.  Lasting motivation only comes from a feeling of achievement and accomplishment. - The more you get done, the better you feel about yourself, and the more eager you become to do even more.

Principle 12.  Now, this minute, is all the time you have. - If you manage yourself minute by minute, the hours and days will take care of themselves.  The more tightly you manage your time, the more you are guaranteed that it will translate into a great life that's hallmarked by purpose, power, control, and worthwhile accomplishment.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Jungle of Life - Napoleon Hill

As revealed to Napoleon Hill by the Master:

"You have earned the right to reveal a Supreme Secret to others.  In the journey through life there is a Jungle of Life, a Black Forest through which every individual must pass alone. In the Black Forest he overcomes enemies and his own inner opposition and turmoil. The Black Forest helps to give refinement to the soul of man through sturggle and resistance, so that the soul may return to the Great Eternal Reservoir from whence it emerged and become a part of Infinite Intelligence.

"And now I shall name the enemies who must be met and conquered in the journey.

The foremost is FEAR.  The expression of fear denies man the use of his true power of thought - a power which can enable each individual to acquire all of his physical needs and control his earthly destiny.

The next great enemy is GREED for the possession of material things and for power to control others for selfish ends. No person who is filled with greed and avarice can pass through the Jungle of Life and successfully attain and use the Supreme Secret, for he affronts the Creator when he violates the rights of others.

INTOLERANCE is third on the list of enemies.  Intolerance is the evil partner of selfishness and ignorance.  It closes the mind and shuts out facts. It deprives a person of valuable friendships he will need in his journey through life and repels the co-operation of others.

EGOTISM is the fourth great enemy of man. Self-repect is a most desirable quality, but self-love is self-deceit and causes a man to lose respect for others.

LUST is the fifth enemy.  It prevents sex emotion from bewing properly transmuted and properly directed.  It leaads to excessive sexual expressions which dissipate the vital creative forces of mind and body.

ANGER, the sixth enemy, is a form of temporary insanity.  Righteous indignation that is controlled and directed toward the correction of a cause is occasionally necessary, but those who live with rage cannot truly know the Supreme Secret.

HATRED, the seventh enemy, is anger which has been allowed to dwell in the mind until it has hardened like so much cement. It is a mind-posion which erroneously twists the individual's thinking. One who harbors hate cannot control and direct his power of thought toward constructive ends and thus he is denied this one and only outright prerogative with which man has been blessed by the Creator.

The enemy of JEALOUSLY, that mixture of covetousness and fear.

IMPATIENCE, which prevents cause from bearing its fruit in effect.

DECEIT, which in the end deceives the deceiver.

FALSEHOOD, which weaves a noose with which the liar spiritually hangs himself.

The related enemy of INSINCERITY and VANITY, which makes men vulgar and forms a repulsive force.

CRUELTY, which attracts all the other enemies like a pack of wolves.

MERCILESSNESS, which turns its back on those in need and makes the soul shrivel.

INJUSTICE, SLANDER, and GOSSIP; one may know the Supreme Secret in words but can never use it if he ever attempts to destroy others.

The Black Forest closes in for a lifetime upon those who do not vanquish the enemies of UNDEPENDABILITY, DISHONESTY, DISLOYALTY and REVENGE.

"Four more enemies fully as important in their menace as any of the others; WORRY, which reveals that a man is no bigger than that which he allows to worry him; ENVY, a form of jealousy which most particularly destoys initiative and self-discipline; HYPOCHONDRIA, which prevents the mind from conceiving the continued good health of its bodily temple and so gives ill health its first foothold, which often is in the mind; and INDECISION, which grows stonger the more it is indulged until it rides one's back and one can fall and lie lost in the Black Forest.

"There are other enemies of man, but who conquers these twenty-six will conquer all the others. Know that one who seeks earnestly to conquer these twenty-six lurking enemies becames an Initiate of the Great School. We know him and he has access to the mind of a Master.  The means of communication is telepathy.  The Initiate may at times convey his need for instuction through what is commonly known as prayer.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Notes from the movie "Supercharge Your Immune System" by Gary Null

How to shop:

Collard Greens - a great source of chlorophyll
Lettuce other than iceberg
Dandelion greens
Pear, eat one a day
Lemon, #1 anti-cancer food
Brussel Sprouts
Vegatarian hot dogs and hamburgers
Brown rice and beans
Onions, simply wash and eat
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Watermelon - 1 glass 3 times a day with lemon or grapefruit to detoxify
Sweet potatoes, yams

Metropolitan Wellness Center

Wheat grass
Increase vitamin C
Green juices

Lung Detoxification - 10 parts water to 1 part juice of watermelon with lemon, lime, orange, or grapefruit and raw honey.

Celtic Sea Salt - evaporated sea water.  1/4 teaspoon with glass of water prior to going to bed and upon rising will help with getting up at night and frequent going to bathroom

Body brushing to stimulate lymph system.  Brush before showering to increase lymphatic drainage.  Use wood brush with natural bristles.

Reishi/Shitake Mushrooms
Raw garlic/onions lower blood pressure
Lemon juice keeps salad fresh
Cayenne pepper
Olive oil/balsamic vinegar
Oxygen rich foods are anti-cancer
Herbal coffee
Veggie Wash (Use to clean vegatables)
Pizza - crust from spelt flour, veggies, non-dairy cheese
Quiche - also use non-dairy cheese