Monday, July 11, 2011

Ability to Receive

Peak State of Mind (PSOM) put on a webinar on this topic.  Here's what came up for me.

Wealth principle is about receiving, work on your receiving muscle, always.  Allow the universe to deliver wonderful things, more and more, living in an abundant Universe. Make a conscious effort, be open to receiving the gifts of the Universe.  Everything is energy.  Rich people are excellant receivers, poor people are poor receivers. Pay people a compliment, see how they receive it.  Do they deflect it or take it well.

A webinar exercise including asking you to list three to five things that you think are really great about yourself but your wouldn't publicly claim such as I'm good looking, I have great taste, etc.

I wrote: I am a healthy, rich, old, white guy.

How do you feel about these things.  Then, they talked about our thermostat - financial blue print set so low.  Conditioning about feeling we are not "good enough"  (I can relate to that, it also applies to my possessions - they're just never "good enough")  This comes from hearing about what's wrong more than we hear about what's right about ourselves.  We're not worthy.  Don't live up to expectations. Conditioning doesn't end as adults.  We subconscioulsy punish ourselves.  Some people use the feeling of unworthiness as a motivator to get rich.  To be rich and happy is the goal.  Remember - "Nothing has meaning except the meaning you give it"

What's your story?  If its your unworthy and you don't like it, make up a more supportive story.  May be a huge opportunity to make a change.  Change your story,  its a lot simpler to change your story than change your worthiness.

Did you grow up with the conditioning that it is considered virtuous to be modest and poor?  Feeling of guilts, how much better to have abundance so you can help others.  Exercise:  write down which of these makes you feel best?
  1. Watching your friend open a present that you gave
  2. Receiving a check for more in a week than your spouse makes in year
  3. Gifting a year long pass to Disney World to a nephew
  4. A friend who drives a ten year old sedan complimenting you on your new expensive car.
A balanced answer should be that all of these should make you fell good, just in different ways.

Giving and receiving are interconnected, can't have one without the other.  Embrace your abundance as a model to others.

"I am an excellant receiver.  I am open and willing to receive massive amounts of money into my life."

Print and hang up these declarations, say them out loud, with gusto, with passion.  Play big, put your hand on your heart and recite these declaration.

How do you feel when you want to give someone something and they deflect it - won't receive it.  How does this make you feel - unappreciated, rejected, disappointed, lousy,

Everthing is energy, energy gets stuck and turns into negative emotion, can train the Universe to withhold abundance.

Think about your best self, the little things you do well, your infinite capacity, give yourself a hug, take a breath.  Write down this statement.

"By the power invested in me, I herebye declare that I am worthy of great things from now until forevermore."  Say this as a declaration, declare it to the Universe.  Pat yourself on the back.

Money is Energy

Money makes you more of what you are; a mirror of yourself.  Money and energy will go somewhere else if you don't accept it.

If you are greedy and will stab in the back for money , then this is how the Universe will treat you.

Action Steps:
  1. Respond to compliments by saying "Thank you" only, no deflections.  Do not minimize compliment, fully embrace the compliment and say "Thank you".  Don't refuse, simply accept.
  2. When money comes into your life, for example a pay check, embrace and celebrate it with "I am a money magnet."  Become excited, especially when the money is unexpected.
  3. Use play money to feel extravagant and rich and deserving. Rather spend an hour on a yacht than a year in a row boat.  Show the Universe this is how you envision living.  (Possibilites - rent a Range Rover, go to Casa Blanca resort in Mesquite, NV for massage/spa package.)
The Universe is abundant, and if the Universe wants to deliver another person or wealth, you must be open to receive wealth or that person into your life.  You must feel worthy to receive.

Be open to receive all that the Universe wants to deliver because you are deserving to receive every gift. Have fun with receiving, it is life altering.  Receiving becomes a way of living, love your life, turn focus onto masterpiece of your life, do the things that give you joy, experience the art of living well, live with energy, abundance, use strategies that feel good in your life.

Do you keep your story alive because it gives you a sense of victim hood?  Elect to say that was fine and dandy then, but now nothing has meaning except for the meaning you give it.  Change your story, use VAKS, use MMI declarations.

One foot on gas, one foot on brake, some folks have success but find ways to sabotage themselves, celebrate that you know what your experience has been.  Use declarations about positive outcomes for money.  Allow your self to live a life of consistent progress.


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