Saturday, December 1, 2012

Seveenteen Principles of Success

1. Develop Definiteness of Purpose
  • Determine and fix in your mind exactly what you desire'
  • Evaluate and determine exactly what you will give in return
  • Set a definite date for exactly when you intend to possess your desire
  • Identify your desire with a definite plan for carrying out and acheiving your objective.  Put your plan into action at once.
  • Clearly define your plan for achievement. Write out precisely and concisely exactly what you want, exactly when you want to achieve it, and exactly what you intend to give in return.
  • Each and every day, morning and evening, read your written statement aloud.  As you read it, see, feel, and believe yourself already in possession of your objective. 
  • Engage in personal inspection with regularity to determine whether you are on the right track and headed in the right direction so that you don't deviate from the path that leads to the achievement of your objective. 
  • To guarentee sucess, engage daily in study, thinking, and planning time with PMA regarding yourself and family and how you can achieve your definite goals.   
2. Establish Mastermind Alliance
3. Assemble an Attractive Personality
4. Use Applied Faith
5. Go the Extra Mile
6. Create Personal Initiative
7. Build a Positive Mental Attitude
  • A positive mental attitude is the right, honest, constructive thought, action, or reaction to any person or set of circumstances that does not violate the laws of God or the rights or one's fellow man.
  • A positive mental attitude allows you to build on hope and overcome the negative attitudes of despair and discouragement. It gives you the mental power, the feeling, the confidence to do anything you make your mind up to do. 
  • Maintain the right attitude - a positive mental attitude. 
8. Control Your Enthusiasm
9. Enforce Self-Discipline
10. Think Accurately
11. Control Your Attention
12. Inspire Teamwork
13. Learn from Adversity and Defeat
  • Every adversity carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.
  • Defeat my be a stepping stone or stumbling block according to your mental attitude and how you relate it to yourself.  It is never the same as failure until it has been accepted as such.
  • The person with a positive mental attitude reacts to defeat with a spirit of determination not to accept it.
  • The person with a negative mental attitude reacts to defeat in the spirit of hopeless acceptance.
  • The worst thing that can happen to you may be the best thing that can happen to you if you don't let it get the best of you.
14. Cultivate Creative Vision
15. Maintain Sound Health
16. Budget Your Time and Money
  • Take inventory of yourself and activities so that you discover where and how you are spending your time and your money.
  • Engage in study, thinking and planning time.
  • Ten percent  of all you earn is yours to keep and invest.
  • Like a good business, budget your money
  • Develop a plan for the use of your income for expenses, savings, and investments.
  • You don't always get what you want unless you inspect.
17. Use Cosmic Habit Force
  • You are ruled by your habits, it takes a habit to replace a habit.
  • Develop positive habits that will be inharmony with the achievement of your definite purpose or goal.
  • Sow an act, and you reap a habit.
  • Sow a habit, and you reap a character.
  • Sow a charactier, and you reap a destiny.